구글 공인 트레이너 인증 신청
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Application Questions
Why do you want to be a Google Certified Trainer? *
Feel free to share any links to artifacts or resources you've created (e.g. video, blog post, paper, tweet, picture etc)
구글 인증 트레이너가 되고 싶은 이유는 무엇입니까? *
생성한 아티팩트 또는 리소스(예: 비디오, 블로그 게시물, 종이, 트윗, 사진 등)에 대한 링크를 자유롭게 공유하십시오.
Hello, I am Yunju Jo, an elementary school teacher in Seoul, Korea. Although online classes were activated due to COVID-19, many teachers around me still did not know how to use Google tools to teach students effectively. They worried about applying unfamiliar digital tools to classes. I experienced the advantages of applying Google tools to students, so I wanted to teach my case to my fellow teachers and encourage them. So I opened a training program for the teachers in my school. After the training, the teachers were very satisfied with the effectiveness of Google tools. Teachers no longer felt afraid of using tools. And they wanted to listen to various case studies using Google tools, and practice how to use these tools. So, I applied to be an Edunet Korea trainer and I passed. I will do a lecture on how to use Google tools at EduNet Korea(Knowledge Samter) in 2023. I was very pleased to show some examples of my class using Google tools to teachers who didn't know these tools. And I knew that student-centered classes were possible with Google tools, so I wanted to let other teachers experience these things and apply in their classroom. Also, I felt it was rewarding when I checked that teachers' thoughts changed after the training. When teachers have the courage, more students get a higher education. So I applied for a trainer to spread my experience to students and teachers who haven't used Google tools yet.
- https://creatorjo.tistory.com/category/Google/Google%20tools%20for%20Education
- https://educator.edunet.net/local/ubmooc/view.php?id=7965
How many years have you served in Education (in classroom, volunteer, non-profit)? *
Please specify by category (e.g. teaching = 4 years, volunteer = 5 years etc)
교육(교실, 자원봉사, 비영리)에서 몇 년 동안 근무하셨습니까? *
범주별로 지정하십시오(예: 교수 = 4년, 자원봉사 = 5년 등).
teaching = 7 years, non-profit = 2 years
Please list any relevant experience you may have in a training or coaching capacity *
For example, hosting podcast, presenting at conferences, leading a team meeting, etc…
교육 또는 코칭 역량에 관련된 경험을 나열하십시오.*
예를 들어, 팟캐스트 진행, 컨퍼런스 발표, 팀 미팅 진행 등이 있습니다.
conduct online/offline training, hosting seminar, leading a team meeting, posting blog about education,
Google for Education Certifications
Google Certified Educator Level 1 Certificate *
Upload a copy of your valid Google Certified Educator Level 1 Certificate with your name (not the badge).
Google Certified Educator Level 2 Certificate *
Upload a copy of your valid Google Certified Educator Level 2 Certificate with your name (not the badge).
Trainer Skills Assessment Certificate *
Upload a copy of your valid Trainer Skills Assessment certificate (not the badge). You can also upload a copy of a valid Trainer Essentials certificate.
Google-specific trainings *
In the last year, please list 3-5 of your favorite Google-specific professional learning opportunities you have led (including podcasts, blogs, training materials, online courses, and of course training sessions). Please list date, topic, and other supporting materials.
Google 특별 교육*
작년에 귀하가 이끌었던 Google 특정 전문가 학습 기회(팟캐스트, 블로그, 교육 자료, 온라인 과정 및 물론 교육 세션 포함)를 3-5개 나열하십시오. 날짜, 주제 및 기타 지원 자료를 나열하십시오.
2022.8.31. How to use Google EduTech in class
2022.11.16. Understanding and Practice Google AI Experiments
2022.11.28. Google Tools and AI Convergence Class
2022.12. Keeping a blog ‘creatorjo’
2022.12.29. Google Classroom and Google AI experiments
Recertification as a Google Certified Trainer requires at least 12 trainings each year. Please state your training and coaching goals to meet or exceed this expectation (100 word limit). *
Recertification as a Google Certified Trainer requires at least 12 trainings each year (e.g. 1:many, 1:1, present at conferences, podcasts / YT trainings). 1. Are you able to lead 12 or more trainings per year. 2. If so, how do you plan to to meet or exceed this?
구글 공인 트레이너 재인증을 받으려면 매년 최소 12번의 교육이 필요하다. 이 기대치를 충족하거나 초과하는 교육 및 코칭 목표를 말씀해 주십시오(100단어 제한). *
Google 공인 강사로 재인증을 받으려면 매년 최소 12개의 교육이 필요합니다(예: 1:다, 1:1, 컨퍼런스 참석, 팟캐스트/YT 교육). 1. 당신은 1년에 12번 이상의 훈련을 이끌 수 있습니까? 2. 만약 그렇다면, 당신은 이것을 어떻게 충족하거나 초과할 계획입니까?
As the head of the school research department, I will regularly train teachers in my school to strengthen their ability to use Google tools. And as the educator in Edunet Korea, I will open online lectures every month that introduce class cases using Google tools. Finally, as a sub director of the PBL Education Research Institute(non-profit), I will hold regular seminars to members about how to use Google tools for Project-Based Learning.
Case Study
Please choose a single training that you conducted on Google tools within the past year, where you sent an evaluation and received at least 5 responses from attendees. Answer the following questions about that training. (200 word limit per question).
사례 연구
지난 1년 동안 Google 도구에 대해 수행한 단일 교육을 선택하십시오. 여기서 평가를 보내고 참석자로부터 최소 5개의 응답을 받았습니다. 해당 교육에 대한 다음 질문에 답하십시오. (질문당 200단어 제한).
What was the main Google Workspace tool you taught? (e.g. Sheets, Slides) *
당신이 가르친 주요 Google Workspace 도구는 무엇이었습니까? (예: 시트, 슬라이드) *
I taught how to use Google Classroom. Google Classroom is very convenient for guiding students to announcements or assignments. It is also suitable for managing students as a homeroom teacher and is very useful for teachers who teach in various classes as a subject teacher.
Google Classroom is a platform where you can connect other tools in the Google Workspace. Therefore students can experience how to do projects using Google tools and upload them to Google Classroom. Teachers can also check Google documents, presentations, and Google questionnaires submitted by students in real time on the student assignment tab.
Please describe the training step by step. What was the purpose of the training? How did you demonstrate how to use the tool? How did you show attendees effective and efficient ways of integrating this tool into the classroom? *
교육에 대해 단계별로 설명해 주십시오.
그 교육의 목적은 무엇이었습니까?
도구 사용법을 어떻게 시연했습니까?
이 툴을 강의실에 통합하는 효과적이고 효율적인 방법을 참석자들에게 어떻게 보여주었습니까? *
This training is about the basic use of Google Classroom. The purpose of this training is to make teachers who have never used Google Classroom feel confident in learning and using Google Classroom. I conducted this training through Google Meet(online). The training steps are as follows. First, I invited teachers to Google Meet. Second, I displayed my screen using ‘presenting’, and when I demonstrated how to use Google Classroom, the teachers looked at my screen and followed the demonstration. I showed them how to open a new Google classroom. Teachers logged in with their own Google Workspace account and opened a Google Classroom. Next, I demonstrated how to post announcements on the stream, how to upload assignments, and how to schedule assignments. When I demonstrated, they followed the demonstration. I showed them my real example and confirmed to them how actively the students participated in the class.
Third, I show them a Classroom that I ran for AI Camp. I showed them my real example and confirmed to them how actively the students participated in the class. So, teachers realized that students can conveniently submit assignments and develop digital literacy through Google Classroom. Of course, they can effectively integrate this tool into their classroom.
At last, I received feedback on this training through Google Forms from the teachers.
What actions did you take to engage the adult learners in the training? How did you differentiate the training for the different ability levels in the session? *
성인 학습자를 교육에 참여시키기 위해 어떤 조치를 취했습니까? 세션의 다양한 능력 수준에 대한 교육을 어떻게 차별화했습니까? *
Before the training began, I conducted a survey on participants using Google Forms. I asked them if they had experience using Google Classroom and what they wanted. Based on the survey results, the difficulty of the training was adjusted. When I started training, I shared the survey results and informed them that I would conduct training to meet the needs of the participants. As a result, participants felt comfortable joining the training. In addition, a simple game was played in the middle of the training so that participants would not be bored. And I shared the training materials in advance because the participants' abilities are different. The training materials were made from Google Slides so that participants could review them after the training by generating copies. And I asked the participants to share the screen during the break time if they had some troubles.
Provide links to at least one original training material that you created yourself. Please check that it is accessible to our reviewers by sharing it correctly (anyone on the internet can view). *
사용자가 직접 만든 원본 교육 자료에 대한 링크를 제공합니다. 검토자가 올바르게 공유할 수 있는지 확인하십시오(인터넷 상의 모든 사용자가 볼 수 있음). *
Link to feedback you received (with at least 5 responses). Again, please check that it is accessible to our reviewers by sharing it correctly. *
받은 피드백에 대한 링크(응답이 5개 이상 있음). 다시 한번 정확하게 공유하여 리뷰어들이 접근할 수 있는지 확인 부탁드립니다. *
After reviewing the feedback from the attendees of this training, how would you improve the training? What would you have done differently? *
이 교육 참가자들의 피드백을 검토한 후, 교육을 어떻게 개선하시겠습니까? 당신은 무엇을 다르게 했겠습니까? *
Among the feedback of the participants, I focused on 1) Please let me know making Google Docs 2) Tell me slowly.
So, I selected Google Docs Training as a training topic and recruited teachers who want to take the training. I would practice speaking slowly considering the difference in the level of participants. Also, I would make more detailed lecture materials, and I would like to record the contents of the lecture in advance, upload it to YouTube, and provide it as a review link. Lastly, I would like to check the subject that participants want and the device proficiency of participants in advance through a survey before training, and plan a training accordingly.
Trainer Video
Trainer Video *
Trainer video: Please submit a 2-3 minute video demonstrating how a Google Workspace EDU tool can be used in a classroom or school setting in an innovative way. Upload on youtube as unlisted, or share in google drive with the setting "anyone can view". See evaluation criterion below. Be creative, authentic and have fun!
강사 비디오*
강사 비디오: Google Workspace EDU 도구가 교실이나 학교 환경에서 혁신적인 방식으로 사용될 수 있는 방법을 보여주는 2-3분짜리 비디오를 제출하십시오. 목록에 없는 유튜브에 업로드하거나 "누구나 볼 수 있습니다" 설정으로 구글 드라이브에 공유하십시오. 아래의 평가 기준을 참조하십시오. 창의적이고, 진정성 있고, 재미있게 지내세요!
Hello, I am Yunju Jo, an elementary school teacher in Seoul, Korea.
Have you ever taught robot programming in your classroom?
If you have, How did you check the students' assignments? There were many troubles when I did robot programming class without Google classroom. I had to go around the classroom to check the students' assignments. So there is no time to help low level students.
So, I used Google Classroom. I'll tell you how to use it one by one. Try it in your classroom, too!
Step1. I created a Google Classroom. Click on Google Classroom, press the plus button, and create a class.Just enter the Class name.
Step 2. Let's invite the students. Let me show you the simple way to invite students. It is to add the email address of the students. Students can enter the Google Classroom and see the AI Camp Classroom immediately.
Step3. Now click on the class assignment. Write down the title of an Assignment. And you can write down the details. Then select Target, Score, Deadline, Topic.
Now, I'll show you the robot programming class that I did.
First, I made a question assignment, and the students simply submitted answers to the questions.
Second, I made an assignment that students had to submit a picture of what they did. Students connected the robot and a programming block, and they took a picture of the connection and submitted it.
I didn't have to move around the classroom to check that the robot and the block were connected.
Lastly, I made an assignment that students had to make a video of the robot dancing. Students made robots dance by block programming. And they recorded it and submitted it. I and students immediately could check the assignment. It can save time to check the assignment. In the robot programming class, there is a big difference between the levels of students. Thanks to the Google classroom assignment tab, I could check the results and just go straight to help students who were in trouble.
How is it?
It is convenient to check the progress of students' activities using Google Classroom. Now try using Google Classroom for programming class. Thank you.
Evaluation criterion:
- 2-3 minutes
- The training is on a Google Workspace product
- The ease of which a trainee could follow the instructions / steps.
- Applicant demonstrates how tools can be used in a classroom or school setting in an innovative way
평가 기준:
Google Workspace 제품에 대한 교육입니다.
연습생이 지침/단계를 쉽게 따를 수 있습니다.
신청자는 교실이나 학교 환경에서 혁신적인 방법으로 도구를 사용할 수 있는 방법을 시연합니다.
Re-applicants only
If you are reapplying to the Google Certified Trainer program after having received feedback on a previously submitted application, please check this box. Please describe in detail what parts of your application you have improved.
Please describe in detail what parts of your application you have improved.
재신청자만 해당
이전에 제출한 지원서에 대한 피드백을 받은 후 Google 공인 강사 프로그램에 다시 신청하는 경우 이 확인란을 선택하십시오. 애플리케이션의 어떤 부분이 개선되었는지 자세히 설명해 주십시오.
애플리케이션의 어떤 부분이 개선되었는지 자세히 설명해 주십시오.
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